I’ve written, far too many times, about public shootings. The latest atrocity in Texas may be particularly horrific in its attack on elementary school children, but all the others have been equally tragic and distressing. The biggest problem by far is that these events are no longer shocking. They no longer have the stand-alone starkness of the past. We have had mass shootings at least six times this month alone and there is yet another week before Memorial Day.
It is so frustrating to hear our so-called leaders wringing
their hands as if there was nothing to be done. “We already have laws,” they
mewl, ignoring the fact that, here in Texas at least, the laws are all but
ignored in the race to get guns into every hand. “We have to protect the
Constitution,” they simper, as if the right to life and freedom is not
enshrined in the very document that they cite to protect the right to
slaughter. “I get paid so much by the NRA,” they never whine, but they don’t need
to. Their behavior is self-evident.
Later this week, that bastion of Russian influence, the NRA
is descending on Texas like a biblical plague. Several of our elected, sitting
leaders are on the docket to attend, including Governor Abbott and Senator
Cruz. Why we allow sitting officers of the state to attend private conventions
is beyond me. When they were elected, they became Texas, at least in
representation. All of Texas, not just their own ideals or the constituency who
voted for them. They represent everyone in the state, including the 80% of
people who want gun regulation.
The decision that these two feckless stooges make in the
next few days will speak volumes. Will they attend, pretending that it is
business as usual or will they choose, this year at least, in the face of
unspeakable tragedy, to boycott? “Not this year, Wayne. It’s too soon.” Will they
choose to stand with the slaughtered innocents and their families or with the
instruments of their slaughter?
I know which way they will decide. Large donations and personal
appearance fees will win in the end. They may even convince themselves that
they will be doing some public good, putting themselves in a position to speak
about the need for gun responsibility. Positioning themselves, perhaps, but not
speaking out, I’m sure. A bloodthirsty mob of your most ardent supporters is not
the time to ameliorate.
But can we dream about a leadership who does have the will
to try something, anything to stem the tide of domestic terrorism? Because
doing nothing is not working. And any dreams we have of life, liberty, or even
the pursuit of happiness are rapidly turning into a nightmare of false liberty
and selfish freedom.
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